4235 W 95th ST
Oak Lawn, IL 60453
6800 S Route 83
Darien, IL 60561

Get a beautiful smile quickly and permanently!

Dental Implants

Key benefits of dental implants:

Look Like Real Teeth

You will never feel like your smile is incomplete again. The dental implant will be virtually indistinguishable from a natural tooth, so you can smile again with confidence.

Feel Like Natural Teeth

Once placed in your mouth, your dental implant will feel exactly like your natural teeth. There is no protruding metal or denture sores. Many patients report not even knowing which tooth is the dental implant.

Function Like Real Teeth

Your dental implant will serve all the functions of your natural tooth, including the functions you may not realize, such as preventing bone loss.

Permanently Stay in Your Month

Since the implant is permanently placed in your mouth, it stays in place throughout any activity. There are no eating restrictions or worrying about a false tooth slipping out of place.

Lasts a Lifetime

Unlike other tooth replacement options, dental implants keep the structure of your jaw intact, so you won’t have to get them refitted or replaced. With good oral hygiene, they will last your entire life.

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Dental Implants

How does the dental implant procedure work?

First, your doctor will take x-rays of your mouth and determine the optimal placement of the implant along your jawline. Once the implant has been surgically placed, the abutment and crown will be attached during the restoration procedures. Most patients report less pain during recovery than with wisdom teeth extractions. However, any discomfort can be treated with over-the-counter pain medication. If you are anxious about any stage in the implant procedure, your dental team is always ready and willing to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Remember that every patient is different and dental implant treatment may vary.

If you believe you can benefit from a dental implant procedure or would like more information, call our dental office today to make an appointment.

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Dental Implants Dental Bridge

Dental implant vs. traditional bridge

Dental implants are currently considered the gold-standard, when replacing missing teeth. They provide several advantages over other replacement options. They promote the health of not just a single missing tooth, but also that of the remaining healthy teeth around it. The implant prevents bone loss, by stimulating the bone that holds the root of the tooth, keeping the bone that holds the roots of neighboring teeth healthy and strong.

Dental bridges, the former standard for tooth replacement, have no component that serves the function of the root of the tooth. Bridges also require filing down the enamel of healthy neighboring teeth to support the bridge. This sacrifices the health of neighboring teeth that would otherwise not have been affected with a dental implant. Long-term results have shown a single implant to be much more esthetically appealing and easier to clean than a bridge. The gum tissue around a bridge can recede and leave an area of metal that is exposed. This results in a visible defect and an unattractive smile. In a worse-case scenario, an anchoring tooth on a dental bridge can get a cavity and the bridge can fail. This often leaves a patient with the need to now replace three teeth, instead of the initial single missing tooth.

A dental implant will not only look, function and feel just like your missing tooth, it will preserve the health of your mouth for many years.

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Dental Implants

Permanently replace a missing tooth with a dental implant!

Even one missing tooth, can cause people to lose confidence in their smiles and cause speaking and eating difficulty. A tooth replacement can restore the appearance of a full, healthy smile and improve the functionality of your teeth.

Dental implants are a permanent tooth replacement option that can be used to replace one, multiple, or all of your missing teeth. Dental implants are the most durable and functional tooth replacement option that is available. There are three parts to an implant: a titanium post that functions as the root of your tooth, an abutment that attaches onto the titanium post and a dental crown that attaches to the abutment.

With proper care, the replacement tooth will last a lifetime and perform all of the same functions of your natural teeth. If you have one or more missing teeth and are considering dental implants, schedule a consultation with your doctor to determine, if dental implants are right for you!

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Dental Implants

Possible side effects of missing teeth:

Bone Loss

When a tooth is missing, the surrounding bone will begin to deteriorate. Because bone is a living tissue, it needs constant stimulation to maintain its health and density. The longer a tooth is missing and not replaced, the more significant the bone loss.

Shifting of Teeth

When a tooth is missing, the surrounding teeth begin to shift into the open space. Misaligned teeth are a cosmetic and functional concern that often lead to further tooth loss and serious problems with your bite.

Difficulty Chewing

All of your teeth serve a purpose! Molars are made to chew food and front teeth are made to cut food. When a tooth is missing, eating becomes strenuous. Healthy foods in particular, such as raw fruits and vegetables are often not consumed because of their tough texture. This is one of the main reasons tooth loss can result in nutritional deficiency.

Difficulty Speaking

Because all teeth serve a purpose, speaking may become difficult. Some letter sounds require the lips and/or tongue to make contact with the teeth for proper pronunciation. Many people will avoid saying certain words due to missing teeth.

Lowered Self Esteem

When one or more teeth are missing you may feel self-conscious when in public or avoid smiling. It is very common for missing teeth to affect your confidence and your social life!

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Proto Mini Dental Implant Centers
4235 W 95th ST Oak Lawn IL 60453
6800 S Route 83 Darien IL 60561
1-630-320-2000 USD Cash, Check, MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Most Dental Insurance Plans, CareCredit, Lending Club Patient Solutions, Prosper Healthcare Lending
Harry A. Haralampopoulos Doctor
Nikol H. Haralampopoulos Doctor